At Viana Dental, we are committed to providing the highest quality care to our valued patients while minimizing the financial burden. We are proud to announce our participation in the Canadian Dental Care Plan, which will make dental care more affordable for seniors in Canada, starting May 1 of this year ( Please check your approval information for when you can start). This program will ensure that oral health becomes more accessible to seniors who are in need of it. If you have already signed up and confirmedyour eligibility, please call our office today to schedule your appointment. If you haven’t yet applied for the Canadian Dental Care Plan, you can find information on how to apply on the government website. The website will guide you through the application process and inform you about your eligibility status. In essence, the amount of coverage you receive will primarily be determined by the income you report on your taxes. Once you receive approval, please make an appointment with us, and we will be happy to assist you further.. give us a call 519 657 9929 or text 519 208 3805 us to schedule your appointment.
Congratulations to all the individuals who will benefit from this new program.
Dr. Paulo Vianap.s. Please pass this along to anyone who you think would benfit